This 5-article magazine contains principles, techniques, and strategies Dexter B. Jenkins has learned from over 3 plus decades working in both the financial services and real estate investing worlds.  

The Raising Your Financial Intelligence Magazine

The Raising Your Financial Intelligence Magazine is not you run of the mill magazine full of charts, graphs, and financial terms. This magazine gets into the nooks and crannies of your money in order to create real financial change in your life.

You may ask how do I know if this magazine is for me?

This magazine is a must read for you if your desire is to:

  • Better understand your relationship with money
  • Remove the complexities out of understanding the subject of personal finance
  • Learn the ultimate wealth building hack few know and understand
  • Gain a real understanding of what saving money is all about
  • Harness the power of compound interest so that you are not victimized by this powerful force

If any or all of the above sounds like you.

You are the perfect reader for The Raising Your Financial Intelligence Magazine.

The Raising Your Financial Intelligence Magazine

is valued at $37.00.

We have priced it at $27

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